Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Global Warming... link sent in by Eric Heavner

Forward to the link by the Rowdy Republican:

Boys and Girls if you think you are contributing to the downfall of mankind, let me set your poor little, and I do mean little, brains at ease. Go crank your SUV. Have a campfire. Use Hairspray. Buy a flatulent cow. Realize that no matter how hard you try you can not destroy the environment.

You don't believe me then you make it rain when you want to. You stop hurricane Algore next season. You stop the lightening strike to your favorite tree. Prevent the tornado's in Kansas. Stop the drought in the Southeast. Go ahead. Can't do it can you?

Feel free to stand in the corner and wet your pants while everyone one else dodges the lightening strikes we couldn't stop either. Now go read the truth while Obama builds the windmills that will kill your birds... what new disaster will we fall victim to next... bunch of pansies...

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