Monday, November 1, 2010

Racism at the TEA Party...oh my..... The RR

Constantly there is a drumbeat by those that don't know a tingle up their leg, from a tinkle down their leg, about racism and hatred displayed at the TEA Parties. These folks, saying these things, have to admit they have never have attended a TEA Party when asked.
The President has deemed us his "ENEMIES", his word. Most Presidents would reserve a word like that for alQuida or the Taliban, but not this one.
Well I for one will proudly proclaim to be the racist enemy of Barack Hussein Obama. I just wish he had gotten the word to me sooner as I could have diverted my vote in the 2008 Republican primary away from the man I thought was the most qualified in the field. Alan Keyes pictured here is the man I voted for.
Watch the video below to see more of the racist I hang out with at the TEA Parties.

Click here to see more evidence of TEA Party racism.

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