Thursday, October 23, 2008

Joe the Plumber clogs Hussein's pipes by Mark

Joe the Plumber did the job Joe the Reporter hasn't done for 2 years. Joe got Jobama to admit he is a socialist.

Jobama is going to give 95% of us tax cuts. One little problem, 40% already don't pay any taxes so they will be getting a check paid for by those working and paying income tax.

Obama will move an estimated 8-10% of the population off the tax rolls. This gets us to the tipping point. 50% of the folks not paying taxes. Democrats will win in perpetuity.

The tipping point is when that 50% has enough votes to make those of you working and paying taxes support them forever.

Hey wait that sounds pretty good to me. I'm not paying taxes anymore. Quit reading this BS and get back to work. I need my check.

Vote Hussein!

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