Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Real Truth about Fannie and Freddie from Joy

From their own mouths....

Ever wonder why the Democrats aren't holding hearings on Fannie and Freddie? They will not because look who is responsible. Remember Roger Mudd from the mainstream media? I believe that is his son Daniel. Starting to get the theme here????

I think we should demand the politicians from either party return every dollar of campaign contributions.

I also believe we should go after Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Jamie Gorelick the way they went after Enron. Hundreds of millions of your dollars into these fat cat Democrats pockets.

Your kids, grand kids and great grand kids will be paying for this the rest of their lives.

Franklin Raines is one of Obama's financial adviser's. If we are collectively dumb enough to put Hussein into office, we deserve the loss of our freedom we will receive.

Can you say reparations?

The great thing about this is I published before Rush came on today. Then he did the entire show on this column.

Excellent, thanks Joy.

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