Thursday, September 11, 2008

Musings on 9-11

Well it's 7 years since planes crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. That was a terrible day I will never forget. I was working at my desk and my parents were visiting me at the lake. I had the TV on in the background and heard as they announced the first crash.

My Mom came into the living room and I told her a plane had crashed into one of the towers. I sat down on the couch and watched it unfold.

I saw the second plane hit live and I said "Another plane just hit the other tower."

Mom said "no it didn't that was just a replay of the first crash."

I said "no it was another plane."

We sat there for what must have been at least three minutes before the folks on TV finally acknowledged that yes indeed another plane had hit the tower.

I bet all of them when death was immanent would have chosen to fight the war on terror. I still wake up with the fear of falling remembering those people who jumped.

We have managed to remain attack free for 7 years and we will remain that way at least until November 4th.

Al Qaeda is pulling for the Democrats. They want us out of Iraq so that they can take it over. They can't tolerate any form of democracy in the region.

I always say fighting them there is better than fighting them here. They can get to Iraq and Afghanistan easier than they can get here. But they are already here in great numbers. Huge communities in many of our cities. Detroit, Atlanta, Charlotte, communities in Virginia, they are here. If they are somehow able to overthrow us through some form of Uncivil War, betcha they drill in Anwar.

Obama, Obiden and McClueless have done nothing to close our borders, on the contrary they have impeded that process. I believe that Sarah will get McClueless's ear and maybe his job.

She is the only hope for securing the country in the next 4 years.

None of the three Mouseketeers is for drilling in ANWAR, but Sarah is. McClueless finally bellied up for offshore drilling realizing that 80% of Americans regardless of party want us to drill our own oil. Remember the blog on drilling in ANWAR a couple of months ago, here is the link.

Did you know Ford has a car that gets 65 miles per gallon of diesel. They sell tons of them in Europe. They can't sell them in the US though because they are deemed unsafe for our roads. Don't pass the crash test. These same idiots elected by you and me have no problem letting motorcycles travel these same roads???? Shouldn't they let the marketplace decide? Give me the safety ratings and the gas mileage I am a big boy.

Now we have got 2 Political Parties arguing over lipstick on a pig on the eve of 9-11. Kind of disappointing isn't. I hate when Republicans get offended as a few did yesterday over the lipstick comment. The Democrats are the party of the offended. We shouldn't try to horn in on them.

I always say you can't offend me cause I want let you and if that offends you well then I'm offended that you are offended. So there.

The government is bailing out the housing industry giving them ever reaching tentacles into the profits you generate at some point in time when the market turns around. 95% of the loans are good, subprime and otherwise, so we are really bailing out the banks. The same people that ran Freddie and Fannie into the ground had to take them over because they did.

And you want these idiots to take over health care. Where will the Canadians go when they get sick.

Lastly I heard a quote attributed to John Adams on a financial show this morning.

One useless person is a disgrace.

Two is a law firm.

Three or more are Congress.

I guess that sums it up.


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