Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Newsflash.... There will be drilling in ANWAR and Offshore

Mark's Rant...

Folks let me be the first to tell you that there will be drilling in ANWAR and Offshore. Yes, you heard me correctly. Brace yourself, and all of my libbie readers can take a number, line up and wring your hands and wet yourselves over in the corner.

The only question is who will do the drilling and how long before it starts?

The US can allow drilling now and stop bankrupting the country. I've read that we are transferring almost 2 billion dollars a day out of the country to purchase oil. We are bankrupting our country and our families by buying what we already have at home, from afar, and many times it's from our enemies.

Look at it like this. You have fruit trees and a garden in your yard. There is ample produce to sustain your family for the year and even share with your friends and neighbors.

The government then gets involved and determines that they don't want you to use your fruits and vegetables because, let's say they can't regulate safety on your produce. (Note how well they have done tracking down the salmonella.) There may also be other motives such as they are not benefiting in any revenues except if you purchased your seed. If you save your own seeds, then they are really hacked off.

So now you are forced to walk past your garden full of fruits and vegetables to get into your car and spend $4.00 a gallon for gas to drive to the store to buy a cucumber exactly like the one you had growing in the garden.

Can anyone see the absurdity in this scenario?

If you can, congratulations. If not, then you can take this personally. You are to stupid to live.

Well how is that scenario any different from home grown oil?

Don't give me the "it will take 5 years to get any oil" argument.

Using that argument, why would you ever start school? It will take 13 years to get a high school degree. Why plant a shade tree? It may take 7 years or more to be able to sit under it and enjoy the shade. Why start a job? It will take 40 years or more to reach retirement.

Starting to see my point?

The Congress, both House and Senate passed a bill in 1995 to drill in a postage stamp area of ANWAR and while wearing his pants as ankle warmers President Billy the Clinton vetoed it.

That just happened to be the year the Republicans took over the Congress. Hmmm.

Just the other day, Little Bush overturned the executive order banning offshore drilling put in place by his Dad. (Yes, read my lips, Republicans can share in some of the blame.)

Oil prices dropped $19.00 in 2 days.

Just yesterday, Nancy Pelosi ( Demorat) said no way the Demorat controlled congress would allow a vote on offshore drilling and...... walla....... the price of oil went up two dollars.

The Demorats took over the Congress about 16 months ago and we have gotten about a $1.60 increase in gas prices. How many more months of their leadership can you afford? Hmmm.

Watch to see who is holding up action on helping lower your gas prices.

The Demorats also proposed a 10 cent a gallon increase in taxes on gas yesterday.

You see the pain can not be to great for you according to them, because they believe they are convincing you that the President and the Republicans are to blame. They may be right......

They can fool most of the people most of the time my friends, but I will not be fooled. I only laugh at you if you are among the fooled.

One quick lesson in economics and apple prices.

Let's say you have 10 apple trees and you have a prolific crop this year. You will have all you can use and you will have an additional 100 bushels of apples you can sell because the government hasn't gotten involved yet.

You set up a stand and learn that no one else in town did very well with their apple crop. You decide that you will sell your apples for $10 a bushel and you sell ten bushels very quickly, and people are very happy with the price.

You think, maybe I can sell them for $12 a bushel and you change the price. You again sell ten bushels very quickly and while customers are not quite as happy, you realize that the market can easily sustain an even higher price.

You change the price to $15 a bushel. People are still stopping and you sell 20 bushels of apples but now you hear some of them grumbling. You hear one lady say she saw an apple stand the next town over where apples were 10 dollars a bushel and even with the high gas prices she could save money by going there to buy apples. She leaves.

She goes to the next town over and buys a bushel of apples and mentions to the proprietor that in her town there is a stand where a man is selling apples for $15 a bushel.

The proprietor being an entrepreneur, realizes that he can go to the town and sell apples for $13 a bushel and do a very good business. He tells the lady he will set up a stand there the next day and charge $13 a bushel and at that point with gas prices so high it's cheaper for her to stay in town and buy the apples.

The lady goes home to her bridge club that afternoon where she mentions to the ladies that there will be a new apple vendor in town selling apples for $13 a bushel, all of the ladies are a twitter.

One of the ladies being a little sweet on the man selling apples for $15 a bushel stops by that afternoon after the card game. She mentions to the gentleman that she had heard of a new apple vendor coming to town at $13 a bushel. This naturally sent the man into a panic realizing he has 60 bushels and a limited time to capitalize on being the sole vendor. He lowers his apples to $12 a bushel. Sales are brisk the last hour of the day and he capitalizes selling 10 more bushels at that price.

The next morning the proprietor from the next town shows up and sees the new price of $12 a bushel in the town. Disappointed, but having already made the trip, he starts selling his apples for $11 a bushel. His sales are good.

The home town vendor seeing his sales slipping away is forced to go back to his original price of $10 a bushel at which point in time it was no longer profitable for the out of town vendor to drive back into town, as he could sell $10 a bushel apples at home with much less expense.

The moral of the story ladies and gentlemen is that if you drill in ANWAR you can buy apples for $10 a bushel.

There will be drilling in ANWAR, it's just a matter of who and when. If we continue to transfer our wealth out of the country, the Chinese and or the Saudis can bankrupt us to the point our financial system totally collapses. (Has anyone watched the stock markets and banks lately.) We will be begging for someone, anyone, to drill our oil. We will also be at their mercy as to whether or not we are able to participate in the revenue. Are you ready for Hussein?

Your comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

It is incredible to me that members of congress want to go back to a national 55mph speed limit. Of course, this is supported by local politicians that will benefit from the money generated by speeding tickets.

Betty Blakley said...

I really enjoyed your rant on Tuesday, Mark. Great gathering of brain cells...and brain cells that make sense when they speak! Loved your analogy of apples and oil for many reasons. Most folks are not thinking using their common sense about oil and all the other major issues in this country. Politics are too embedded into the brains of way too many Americans these days. What a waste of mankind to try and figure out the nonsense the politicians spread every day. Wake up America and use your silent majority voices against politicians, party lines and the media fling they are having with Obama Hussein Barack before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

I believe every highschool kid should have to read your simple explanation of economics. It is painfully obvious that Barack Obama
and the democrat party doesn't have any grasp of economics.

Anonymous said...

Well John McCain is being dragged kicking and screaming to the economic party also. He is not much brighter than barack.