I’m Dead!
5 months ago
Est. 10-4-07. My Mission: To Tweak Libbies & RINO's. A mostly political blog pointing out the hypocrisy of our elected idiots. Quotes attributed to The RR "Remember politics is just a game where the score is kept in your back pocket. All the paperwork you need to own a gun was filled out in 1789. Barack Obama helping the Republican Party win elections for 3 years. We'd be better off as a country if we pledged allegiance to the constitution instead of the flag."
Maxine is on the right track now. Since we have had a President for the past four years and we've had a Democratic Party House and Senate majority that has accomplished absolutely nothing. If you want to let Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi know your thoughts and feelings, call her during business hours atr 202 225-0100, I did. We are supposed to direct our elected government officials and they are supposed to listen to us. It's your right to speak to them. You will get one of her aides who will patch your through to her voice mail. Don't be silent any longer. Call all your elected officials and e-mail them. If the Constitution was drawn up for "We The People", then lets talk to these people in Washington about what we want them to do.
Go get them Betty. What did Pelosi say?
I had to leave her a voice mail but I was amazed that a real person answered her telephone. I told him I had a few thoughts for old Nancy and he very politely said he would put me into her voice mail.
I'm sure she didn't like what I said to her. I told her she is a total failure so she shouldn't throw stones. In other words and in her instance, it takes a failure to know one. I told her that she has not gotten off her backside and even attempted to get anything done since she has been The Speaker of the House. Aren't you all tired out there of this no action government we have right now? Don't you ever wonder how your elected officials vote and check up on them to see how and if they are even voting? Are you ready for Hussein with all the weazels in Washington? Hussein will not give you what you want. Change is the only constant we have in our lives. What change is Hussein talking about and how will he change anything? He has Hollyweird celebrity status and his "stars" are getting in people's eyes! Come on America, get involved, we cannot afford to be complacent any longer. Find out who your representatives are and who your senators and governors are and call them or e-mail them. It's the duty of the people in this country to jerk a knot in their backsides. Why aren't we? Why aren't you? Just say, I'm getting involved and then please do it.
Damn Betty,
You could start your own blog or be a guest columnist on The Rowdy Republican.
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