Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't watch this I warn you!!!!

Well I'm not going to sleep again tonight.

My fear is of falling, and I wake up falling all the time.

I find myself saying a prayer that they could somehow lose consciousness before the impact.

See if you can watch the whole video.

I don't know what could make me do this. I guess I would just run into the fire and perish.

I have told you in an earlier rant about hearing the bodies hit the entrance of the World Trade Centers.

Here you go, the drive by media doesn't think you can take it, and maybe you can't, but here it is for you to see and hear. Remember this in November.

Here is one with no jumpers but a great rendition of God Bless America.

Are you ready for Hussein?

1 comment:

Betty Blakley said...

This is solemn, somber and we should refresh our memories of "that" day in our lives when the music really did stop! Watch it and weep, watch it and get that burning feeling in your gut, watch it and know that our future is being determined by a bunch of political whackos. Watch this and do you still want to vote for Barack Hussein Obama? He's bad trouble for us. For heaven's sake will all you people that say, Yes, we can (one of Hussein's favorite comments) understand that Yes, we can lose our nation to this Muslim (and I don't care what you Barack nuts say,)he's at least half Muslim. How anyone can even think about voting for a Muslim and remember 9/11? I don't get it! Is he really magical or a political version of The Hollyweird group? Americans need to think and I mean rationally. I feel like this Obama guy has our country in his grips and why? How in the world can you feel patriotic, and warm and fuzzy over this guy? He's plastic and folks that are savvy can see right through him. Be careful what you ask for because you may get it!