Click here to hear Obama's speach.
Well I've got to tell you, the fact that it will decrease the cost of healthcare premiums by 3000% is really to good to pass up. Follow me on the math here.
Let's use for example a family of four, Mom and Dad in their 30's and two kids under 10. Let's say that their healthcare premiums paid by their employer for their insurance policy is $10,000 per year.
If Obamacare reduced the cost by just 100%, it would save save the company $10,000 or it would be free, now that's change I can believe in.
But wait, it's even better than that!!! 3000% would be 30 times $10,000 or $300,000. So actually your company would get back the $10,000 they were paying for your healthcare plus another $290,000, every year, out of which Obama predicts you might get a raise. I'm sure you will all now join me in backing Obamacare.
So he is going to cover 46million additional people (according to a Congressman from Maryland I heard on CNBC yesterday) half of which are illegal aliens plus basically pay everyone in America including the 46M just added to the rolls 75K per year on average. I believe we have about 310,000,000 (310 M) people times 75K per year that equals $23,250,000,000,000 or I think that comes out to 23 Trillion 250 Billion.
The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the USA in 2009 was $14,270,000,000,000.
So we are going to spend 1.6 times our 2009 GDP, or more than one and one half times what we produce in goods and services in this country in one year, for healthcare, every year.
What could go wrong????
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