Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Obama set to Outlaw Fishing in the USA.... The RR

Anybody want to buy some Rods and Reels..... You think hunting won't be next???

Click here to read why you will be breaking the law if dangle your worm.

As a kid, I spent some time dodging and running from Game Wardens, mainly because we lived close to a Municipal Lake that had restricted fishing areas. Basically you could only fish where the boat ramps and fueling areas were. Nothing like tasty little fish marinated in oil and gas. I beat the GW's more often than not and never lost more than a bucket of bream to Clete the Game Warden on the New High Point City Lake.
If you were a kid that loved to fish and didn't mind cleaning and freezing them for friends and family fish fries, then you were in heaven if you could take a 5 to 10 minute walk down to the lake to catch some fish.

Well if the President gets his way, he will become "The Game Warden ln Chief." Yes the smartest man on the planet is weighing completely ending fishing as a hobby and sport. There are estimated to be 60+ million sport fishermen in the US. My guess is at least 40% were lured in by him in 2008. Imagine trying to catch those votes again in 2012. Where will it end? Well 2012 of course.

I think I have been fairly tolerant of the POTUS up til now, some may disagree, as always you have the right to be wrong, but I draw the line here. I live on a lake and I have beach houses all of which on occaision I still like to walk out into the backyard and fish from. As a matter of fact, my love of fishing drove my decision to always purchase property with water in the back yard. I have a lifetime fishing license.... will I be refunded and paid for reparations for the damage it does to my future fun, relaxation and food supply?

I think I will start the equivalent of the Tea Party for Fisherman. Rahm Emmanuel the "Butt Naked" enforcer of health care and the POTUS chief of staff has reportedly mailed a dead fish to his political opponent in the past. So maybe after we name the group we can all mail a dead fish to the Whitehouse to show them we are serious. Please forward this blog to any fishermen and women you know.
If you have suggestions for a name, leave it in the comments section below.


Bob the alleged liberal said...

Read that article carefully. It is much ado over nothing. The "overfishing" that environmental groups complain about is not recreational fishing. It is commercial ocean fishing for tuna, salmon, and spurgeon, much of it by Japan and Russia. The folks complaining in that article are reps of the recreational fishing industry, (Morlock is the spokesman for reel maker Shimano) and they are overstating the danger, I think, to recreational fishing. None of the objective information in that article suggests that recreational fishing is endangered in any way. It is only the unsupported rant of the guy from BASS and the comments of the Shimano guy that would lead one to that idea. So read it carefully, and filter out the BS.

The Rowdy Republican said...

"and they are overstating the danger, I think, to recreational fishing."

"I think" says it all.

The RR