A quick aside, isn't he the same Al Gore whose father was a Democrat Senator from Tennessee that voted against civil rights for blacks? Why yes he is.
We have had our first cancellation. He cancelled before he actually got added to the list, but full disclosure here. He was overcome by all the news coming at him from various sources. Now I take that as a compliment because while I may supply some things you haven't had time to find for yourself, I certainly had not considered "The Rant" to be a news source. Thanks Betty for the addition and subtraction and tell "bngmoore" he will be missed.
The last Rant #11 which I thought was OK, must have been a little better than I thought. We got a couple of new members and numerous comments in support. Keep those cards and letters coming folks. I guess the second amendment is alive and well among a fair number of Ranters. Emily Raible even asked if she could start posting them on her myspace page. I love young folks that are intelligent.
As always, it's worth what you are paying for it and you can be removed from the distribution list by sending an email. However, the first to cancel spot has now been taken.
Special Thanks again to Eric for digging up all the links.
Eric Writes:
From: Sent: Dec 11, 2007 10:51 PM To: Subject: Debunking The Global Warming Scandal
More facts to debunk the global warming scandal. As I've said and will continue to say, HUMANS have little effect on global warming - it's a scam, just like Global COOLING was in 1972.
SCAM ALERT: READ THIS ONE - http://www.worldclimatereport.com/index.php/2005/05/27/antarctic-ice-a-global-warming-snow-job/
One thing that the global warming ZEALOTS have forgotten to tell you is that the Antarctic now has MORE ICE THAN EVER BEFORE. Guess it's the bad ole USA heatin' up the joint on the north side of the planet. They didn't tell ya that on CNN did they they?
Here’s another story:
Hmmm, this guy from MIT sees it the same way and he's from one of the most liberal colleges on the planet..
Finally, some people are coming to their senses about this crazy shit. To think that humans have 'destroyed' the climate in 100 years of industrialization is sheer idiocy.
Bob The Lib Replies:
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 1:11 AMTo: Cc: Subject: RE: Debunking The Global Warming Scandal
Well, we liberals are generous folks, so we will go ahead and save the world from the excesses of your hubris and the cumulative destructive human activity of so many, and we will even let you right wing nutcases continue to live in it, in spite of your failure to contribute to the solution, or even to acknowledge that the problem existed.
Sadness, you voting for Huckabee? He does not believe in evolution. He thinks the earth is 6000 years old and that humans coexisted with dinosaurs. He is anti-science in general, and probably flunked 8th grade science, if he got that far in school to begin with. He may be your kind of President. God help the rest of us, though, if he becomes the President.
Bobby L. Bollinger. Jr.
Attorney at Law
Board Certified Specialist in NC Workers' Compensation Law
If you need a good lawyer call Bob and he can refer you to one.
Kevin enters the fray and unknowingly calls Mark an idiot:
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:41 PMTo: Subject: RE: Debunking The Global Warming Scandal
I believe your own Senator Edwards owns some beach front property so we know his vote. If you're an idiot enough (or rich enough not to give a shit) to buy property on a sandbar then you deserve whats coming. Sounds like second row is a better choice. Hi Bob.
Kevin throws more fuel on the fire:
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:53 PM
Subject: RE: Debunking The Global Warming Scandal
Oh, and by the way, I believe most of the coastal areas used to be under water some years back. Then we had this major climate change called the Ice Age that froze up much of the world's water causing the oceans to recede. That ice has not fully melted thereby preventing the oceans from going completely back to their original levels. I read the other day that THAT major climate change was caused by the over excesses of Republican dinosaurs who were driving some really big SUVs and smoking and farting too much. They got what they deserved as we will.
Mark's Rant:
Does anybody want to buy 2 ocean front beach houses.
http://www.hobbsrealty.com/islparad_d My house.
http://www.hobbsrealty.com/pana_d The house I own with my parents
http://www.hobbsrealty.com/palms773b_d My brother and parents
http://www.hobbsrealty.com/allswell_d My friend Bob, not the Lib
I apparently have been an idiot and rich enough to buy 3. Fortunately I sold 1 about the time "Al $4000 a month power bills Gore" invented the current global warming disaster. Hey didn't he invent the Internet too? Why yes he did. Remember 30 or so years ago when global cooling was going to make us extinct. I believe it was a cover on Time Magazine.
Seriously if anyone is interested in the properties they throw off about 100K a year in rent and I've got room in my Expedition to take you down and show them to you. I'll even spring for some beano. Now that I'm joining those of you wetting your pants and hiding under the table, I'll let them go for a fire sale price of 3M. I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I ever bought them. If I had only listened to Al.
Kevin tells Mark he's sorry:
Sorry to have implied that a you are an idiot. The definition of a conservative is by its very nature contrary to that of an idiot. Let me restate what I meant by idiot: an idiot buys property on a sandbar (or in a coastal city below sea level) without insurance and EXPECTS the government to bail them out when a hurricane comes and washes the dirt out from under it.
Eric Digs up global cooling:
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 8:20 PM
Subject: RE: Debunking The Global Warming Scandal
Mark, here’s the Time Magazine cover – yes, 35 years ago we had the Global Cooling scare, which was the third attempt at mass climatological hysteria.
And here’s an article called Fire and Ice, portraying the media’s obsession with doomsday environmental changes, which have been chicken-little a total of 4 times in the past 100 years.
Whether you agree, disagree or don’t care, these two are actually interesting to read.
Mike steps in and offers Mark an out:
As a true Friend I would like to extend the hand of generosity and give you a once in a lifetime opportunity. I will trade you my dilapidated double-wide, on a great piece of high ground only several hundred yards off from the waterway in Holden Beach. For your precipitously placed death traps on the sand bar. You have Al Gores' vision and brilliance to thank for this wonderful opportunity.
Mike Cairnie
KK weighs in and encourages the Rowdy Republican:
Damn your funny. Since all of the email traffic is clogging the in boxes, what we probably need to do is set up a blog site, call
It PKPDeltas, or something like that. I like the give and take that is coming from the brothers. This is the most guys in our
Fraternity have spoken in the last 20 years.
Bill Kincaid
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