Monday, May 5, 2008

Mark's Rant # 8 Nov. 7, 2007 Eddie is dead

If you didn't click on the link last night, and you don't listen to WBT 1110 AM then this might come as a surprise.
Remember last night's issue, Rant # 7. Below is Eddie Jeffers picture. Eddie is dead. I believe he left behind a wife and to the best of my knowledge no kids, but two very proud parents, and at least one very proud citizen of the USA....... me.

Sgt. Eddie Jeffers was killed in Iraq on September 19, 2007. He was 23

Mark's Rant: Look at that kid, Look at that man. I'd love to be able to buy him a beer and tell him thanks. I am so proud that a man like that would protect me and my family so that we can do frivolous things like shoot of fireworks next 4th of July. My brother will be home from Afghanistan by then and I hope to have him and any of the troops that are within traveling distance come for that celebration. All subscribers will be invited also. I think we can buy a few beers, grill a few dogs and say" thank you" in a very real way to those who can attend. We can dedicate the party to Sgt. Jeffers and I think my brother has a few guys that he knew that have given the ultimate sacrifice. If we can get the names, and if we can find their families, I would love to extend the invitation to them. I would love to shake Eddies Dad's hand and give his mother a big hug, they may be needing that about then.

Numbers are growing and as always you just need to email me to say "no mas". No questions asked.

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